A Starting Point - Checklist

We strongly encourage you to visit this multi-faceted checklist developed at the request of UBC faculty by retired faculty of the Emeritus College. It is rich with ideas, resources, contact info and links. 

This checklist contains a series of questions that you may wish to ask yourself and actions you can take once you are contemplating retirement from UBC. It is meant to stimulate curiosity, research and personal reflection about retirement as a major life transition; it is not intended as ‘your answer’ or advice on the right thing to do. As noted by the quote from a retired UBC faculty member, transition to a new life takes time. However, the gathering of information and deepening your understanding of how best to re-align your talents and your time can start many years before the actual date of formal retirement. This checklist is one way to start.

The Checklist consists of 8 categories. It is suggested that you rank which ones are most important for you. This checklist has been created for you by the Emeritus College at the request of retiring faculty members. The list of questions, along with the possible actions to take within each category, is generic and may not address all aspects of your situation. As with all information distributed by the College, we are not acting as advocates for specific action nor are we representing the College as an expert in areas discussed. We welcome your feedback and any suggestions for improvement: manager@emerituscollege.ubc.ca

Click here for Checklist for Faculty to assist in your retirement Planning (opens PDF) Highly recommended!