The UBC Emeritus College offers two annual awards, a subsidy for ongoing scholarly activities and provides a list of recipients of major awards
Two annual Awards
1. UBC Emeritus College Award for Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavours
UBC Emeriti who have demonstrated excellence in their engagement in innovative research, artistic creation, or new applications of previous research since attaining Emeritus status.
2. President's Award for Distinguished Service
UBC Emeriti who have, since attaining UBC Emeritus status, displayed exceptional leadership in volunteer community services.
Subsidy for ongoing Scholarly Activities
The UBC Emeritus College seeks to assist in fostering, promoting, and disseminating the scholarly activities / academic pursuits of retired faculty, consistent with the University's mission, by disbursing funds provided for this purpose by the University, on the initiative of the President. More information is available by clicking on the link.
Members of the UBC Emeritus College who were the recipients of the following honours are listed on our website.
-Order of Canada
-Order of BC