
Supporting UBC's emeriti for more than 30 years

The UBC Emeritus College was proceeded by the UBC Association of Professors Emeriti (UBCAPE). The Association held its first meeting September 26, 1988.  Joseph Katz, of the Faculty of Education drew like-minded colleagues together to start the Association, and properly deserved the title of Founder. Tragically, a few weeks after that first meeting, Joe Katz suddenly died, and others came together to make the Association a reality.

Point Grey Campus circa 1980
Aerial photo of UBC Point Grey Campus courtesy of UBC Library Archives

In the beginning there were about 400 Emeriti at UBC, more than enough to give purpose to such an enterprise. The President, Lewis Robinson checked with the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) to see if there were similar groups elsewhere in Canada, and finding none, suggested that UBC started a process that since has become quite common at Canadian universities.

A program quickly emerged, with 4-6 meetings in the winter and spring terms, involving talks or lectures, accompanied by a social time and refreshments. This feature continues to be an important part of the Association activities. An early triumph of the Association’s efforts was the implementation of Extended Health Care, and Dental Insurance for Emeriti and retired Professional Staff.

In its early days, the Association became a division of the Alumni Association, which aided in its start-up, but UBCAPE also has formal and strong connections with the University Provost, evidence of the broader recognition by the University of its Emeritus Faculty, Librarians and Program Directors.

Other UBCAPE programs and activities came into being as have co-operative and active relationship with the UBC’s Faculties, Schools, Departments, and Senate to facilitate the continuing professional creativity by retired faculty and professionals, and the wellbeing of those in retirement. UBCAPE was reminding the daily working campuses that a vibrant heritage of Emeritus people, essentially founders in their own right, were both here and bringing credit and expertise to the University of British Columbia.


Last updated: May 28, 2021

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