Ways to get involved
1. Volunteering for committees and activities:
If you are interested in being part of any of our committees, please let the chair of the committee know of your interest.
2. Contributing your expertise to UBC governance
While we are working on expanding and identifying the opportunities to for our members to participate in UBC committees, boards, etc, there currently are situations in which you could help. If you would like to know more, please contact the office.
The governance of the UBC Emeritus College
The College is governed by Officers (Principal, Vice-Principal and Past Principal) and nine Members-at-large, who are voting members of the Council. Past Principals are ex-officio nonvoting members of the College Council.
The activities of the College are managed through Clusters and committees which are chaired or co-chaired by members of the College.
The administrative office supports the College in all of its activities.