The UBC Emeritus College seeks to assist in fostering, promoting, and disseminating the scholarly activities / academic pursuits of retired faculty, consistent with the University's mission, by disbursing funds provided for this purpose by the University, on the initiative of the President. It is the intent of the College to offer the Subsidy program every year.
The application is now open. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, July 17, 2025.
The following guidelines frame the main activities for which subsidy can be requested, but are not limiting or definitive:
Those related to the conduct of scholarly activities: travel expenses such as airfare, ground transportation and accommodation, in accord with University guidelines. We do not subsidize meals or per diems. (In general, please see UBC Finance guidelines).
If your airfare includes premium economy or any class higher than economy, please provide an economy equivalent airfare for the Committee’s reference.
- Those related to the publication of books, papers, clinical studies, and manuscripts; these may include costs for cartography, copyright permissions for illustrations and, in exceptional circumstances, costs incurred for colour reproduction. Reimbursement of publication costs may be requested, up to a limit of $5,000 per applicant. Proof of commissioned illustrations must be specifically provided.
Please note that UBC Library provides discounts through negotiated licence agreements direct with selected publishers and via their membership to the Canadian Knowledge Research Network. Please check this resource before you submit your application. If authors do not take advantage of these discounts, the requested amount of subsidies may be adjusted accordingly. More information is available on this webpage. - Books and journals required for scholarly research are normally expected to be sourced through UBC Library. Purchases of books or journal articles will only be subsidized under special circumstances.
- Those related to the presentation of the results of scholarly and creative activity. Priority will be given to those receiving significant awards, presenting invited talks, and serving as officers of scholarly societies. Attendance alone will not be reimbursed.
- Expenses related to the development of policy papers, to data analysis/data synthesis and for student research assistance.
- Translation is required for receipts if it is not in English.
- Licensing of necessary software not available through UBC licences accessible via Kivuto portal.
- Other activities consonant with the University’s mission such as the development of innovative teaching methodologies, artistic performance, or production.
- All payments are as subsidy to recoup expenses already incurred, for which no other source can be found.
- Subsidy requests for capital expenses and equipment will be denied.
- No subsidy requests will be accepted from departments.
- Receipts must be for expenses incurred for activities that took place between July 1 of the past year and June 30 of the present year (tickets may have been bought earlier in order to get discounts).
- Professional Membership Fees, if necessary, for example to attend a conference or to obtain a sizeable conference fee discount, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Members of the UBC Emeritus College (from both UBC-O and UBC-V) are eligible.
(All senate-appointed emeriti are automatically members of the College.)
The following documents are required:
- Completed Expense Overview, which is now part of the questions in the online application.
- Written justification for the expenses.
- Supporting documentation which could include conference program, invitation letter, etc.
- An up-to-date CV (reflecting scholarly activity in the last 6 years) in whichever format is easiest (UBC, common CV, N5F, etc.)
- Detailed receipts for the expenses incurred.
- Completed Online Application.
Applications must be submitted by Thursday, July 17, 2025.
The committee will adjudicate applications between August and October 2025.
Notifications and cheques will be sent between November 1 and December 31, 2025.