Life in Retirement

Privileges and Benefits

For your convenience, we have also created downloadable documents with links for your use:  Retired with Emeritus Status and Retired without Emeritus Status (on our Key Documents page)

Emeritus Status

UBC Emeritus Status is granted on the recommendation of the UBC Vancouver Senate or the UBC Okanagan Senate to retiring faculty members and librarians. To be eligible, a candidate must have support of their Dean, hold an ongoing tenured or confirmed appointment, and meet certain criteria such as combined age plus years of service to the University is at least 70. Further details, including links to the Senate policies and privileges for Emeriti, visit the UBC Human Resources Emeritus Status page. “UBC Emeriti” refers to those individuals who have been formally granted Emeritus status by the UBC Senate. 

UBC Emeritus College

UBC Emeriti become Emeritus College members automatically. Non-Emeritus UBC faculty with long standing and distinguished service at UBC may be eligible to become elected members of the College and are encouraged to complete a membership application. There are no annual fees. The general objectives of the College are to sustain the relationship of retired faculty, librarians, and academic program directors with UBC whilst responding to their interests and promoting their wellbeing.  Further information can be found on the Emeritus College website, or by calling 604-827-6359 or emailing

UBCcard / Library Card

UBC Emeriti and retired faculty who do not qualify for emeritus status are eligible to receive a new UBCcard from the UBC Card office.  The multipurpose UBCcard serves as official University identification and grants you access to UBC Library services, UBC Food Services, UBC Bookstore e-Money purchases, building/room access if authorized, etc.  As well, it provides complimentary entrance to UBC sites such as the MOA, Beaty Biodiversity Museum, Belkin Art Gallery, Nitobe Memorial Garden and the UBC Botanical Garden. A full listing can be found here. UBC Emeriti and retired faculty members with a valid UBCcard are entitled to retain all or most library privileges, as described here. To obtain your UBCcard, visit the UBC Card office’s Emeritus & Retired Staff page.

UBC Email and IT Support

UBC Emeriti are entitled to retain internet and email access and related reasonable IT support. See your Unit administrator to ensure continuation of email, access to network drives and UBC sites requiring a Campus Wide Login (CWL).  For IT support beyond what is offered by your unit, contact UBC IT support. Note that retired faculty are not eligible for free use of specific software; see Software Licensing for more information.  Please contact the Emeritus College office if you are unable to get a UBC email account or IT support for issues related to your emeritus activities.  Retired faculty without UBC Emeritus status retain access to their CWL for 18 months to access pay and tax slips.

UBC Parking

UBC Emeriti and retired members of the Quarter Century Club, are eligible for free parking permits, which will provide the same parking privileges as for active faculty and staff. These permits are valid in Fraser River, Health Sciences, Rose Garden, North, West and Thunderbird parkades. These permits also allow parking in various Faculty/Staff surface parking lots, identified with signage at the entrance to the lot. 

To obtain your parking permit, email your letter from the UBC Senate granting you Emeritus status to the relevant address below.  Also send any questions and changes to your contact information or vehicle plate number to them. 

Note that Vancouver Emeriti may request authorization to park in any regular parking lot (not short term locations) at UBC Okanagan by submitting your name, vehicle license and timeframe needed. Okanagan Emeriti may request authorization to park at the North, Rose Garden, Fraser, Thunderbird, West and Health Sciences parkades (no other lots) by submitting your name, a copy of your valid permit and timeframe needed.

UBC-V:  (604) 822-6786

UBC-O:  (250) 807-8554

UBC Tuition Waivers

UBC Emeriti under age 65 years who were eligible to receive tuition waivers prior to retirement, and BC residents 65 years or older who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, are eligible to audit UBC courses and are not assessed application, tuition or student fees at UBC. However, some special fees may be assessed. The application process varies from other non-degree applicants.  UBC Vancouver: (604) 822-9836 and UBC  If you require help with registration, please contact the Emeritus College office.

Dependent children of UBC Emeriti (and former members of the UBC Faculty Association (formerly holding ongoing appointments) continue to be eligible for tuition waivers for credit courses subject to the Tuition Waivers for Dependent Children guidelines.

UBC-Vancouver Aquatic Centre

UBC Emeriti, regardless of their ageare eligible to pay Public Senior (65+) rates as outlined on the Aquatic Centre Membership page. If you require further information, please call the Aquatic Centre at 604-822-4522.

Keeping Connected to UBC

As part of your retirement planning, we recommend that you give some thought to the type and amount of connections you want to maintain with your academic unit and UBC after you retire.  We have identified a few ways that your fellow retirees have kept connected with UBC. Their involvements range from minimal to intensive and, over time, often change.  For possibilities to consider, visit Keeping Connected to your Unit and to UBC on our Key Documents page.

UBC Emeritus College (EC). In addition to the Newsletter and Upcoming Events, which are sent to EC members via email, you and your partner/spouse can request to join the EC Members’ Forum. This Forum provides a platform to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among members. To join the forum, or to be added to the Courtesy Communications list if you are not a member, send a request to with your full name and contact information.

Keeping Engaged and Connected Beyond UBC

The UBC Emeritus College has compiled a list of readings, surveys, and organizations that may be of interest to both pre- and post-retirement academics.  Whether you want to explore the transition to retirement, get inspired about future possibilities, learn more about aging, or connect with others through organizations such as the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE), the European Association of Professors Emeriti or the Canadian Snowbird Association, check out the possibilities at Recommended Resources: Readings, Websites & Videos, and Organizations.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. flickr The logo for the flickr social media service. flickr The logo for the flickr social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Checked Circle A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Info Help A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Mail A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Question A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Icon Star A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Timing A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Important Warning A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Warning A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library.