Non-UBC Events

December 4, 2024, 4:00 pm


Falls Prevention 

With Dr. Marla Beauchamp, Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Canada Research Chair in Mobility, Aging and Chronic Disease, McMaster University
Falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults, but the good news is that many falls can be prevented with simple changes to your home and lifestyle.

Join Dr. Marla Beauchamp for a discussion on falls prevention, where we’ll explore the key causes of falls and offer practical tips to improve your balance, strengthen your body, and make your environment safer. Learn how to stay active and independent as you age and reduce your risk of injury!

About the speaker:

Marla Beauchamp is a physical therapist, Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Canada Research Chair in Mobility, Aging and Chronic Disease. She also directs the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging | Dixon Hall Centre, a partnership with a front-line social service organization supporting older adults. Dr. Beauchamp’s research aims to identify ways to keep older adults mobile and healthy in their homes and communities for as long as possible.


  • Non-UBC Events

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