General Meetings

April 7, 2025, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Event Poster

A Celebration for the newly opened Emeritus College office! 

Join us at 2:00 pm, ahead of the speaker presentation, in the Emeritus College office (room 4160) for coffee, snacks and tours.    

At 3:00 pm the event will begin in lecture hall 1030. We have invited yəχʷyaχʷələq Chief Wayne Sparrow, Musqueam Indian Band to offer the territorial welcome, followed by words from UBC President and Vice-Chancellor, Benoit-Antoine Bacon and UBC Deputy Provost, Janice Stewart. There will also be a special dedication of the diptych yəχʷəleʔ ʔiʔ st̕ᶿink̓ʷaʔ ʔiʔ ɬqelc̓ ʔiʔ sce:ɬtən (Eagle & Thunderbird with Moon & Salmon) sculpted by Musqueam artist Brent Sparrow Jr. which has been newly installed in the Emeritus College office.  

Presentation Abstract

Rethinking the Meaning of “Emeritus”: Knowledge Work in Precarious Times with Professor Janice Stewart, UBC Deputy Provost. 

The UBC Emeritus College has made, and continues to make, significant contributions to UBC, Vancouver and BC communities, and society at large. Addressing challenges, such as climate change and public health, through interdisciplinary initiatives and partnerships with local and international communities, emeriti engage in important intellectual, cultural, and social pursuits that demonstrate the enduring power of knowledge, interdisciplinary collaborations, and lifelong learning. The College is a repository of expertise, institutional knowledge, global networks, and it stands as a testament of the power of curiosity, hard work, collaboration, and hard-won skills to change the world for the better.

2:00 pm – Coffee, snacks and tours of the Emeritus College office, room 4160.
3:00 pm – Territorial welcome and speaker presentation in lecture hall 1030 on the ground floor.

Brock Commons South
6180 Walter Gage Road
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1

This is both an in-person and online event. 

UBC North Parkade (6115 Student Union Blvd) or the Rose Garden Parkade (6278 NW Marine Dr).

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