Faculty Pension Plan and Financial Planning

“…mature people also need to expect the unexpected…*"

*Savishinsky, Joel (2000) Breaking the Watch: The Meanings of Retirement in America. New York: Cornell University Press p. 242.

Retirement Guide: Faculty Pension Plan
Outline for retirees of the options available to members of the UBC Faculty Pension Plan.

Financial Tools and Quick Links
Assistance with the management of investments, pensions, RRSP’s, Canada Revenue Agency etc.

You can make an individual appointment with the UBCFPP specialist
Discuss your UBC Faculty Pension options with the UBC retirement pension specialist.  
Tel. Reception: 604 822 8100  Lorraine Heseltine 604-822-3485 or e-mail Lorraine.heseltine@ubc.ca

UBC Faculty Pension Plan Forum
Presentation on the Plan’s investment performance, future directions.  Information tables on other retirement benefits and services. Occurs annually, usually in May. 

Government of Canada: Retirement Planning   
Information site covering an extensive range of financial retirement planning aspects (sources of income, income tax, living abroad etc.) 

Government of Canada: Canadian Retirement Income Calculator 
Detailed modules to assist you in estimating your retirement income from various sources.