Senior Scholar's Series

September 24, 2020, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Zoom online - link in text

Senior Scholars' Series: The Passions that Drive Academic Life

Tony Dawson
Professor Emeritus of English (2006)

"Making Friends with Shakespeare"

Originally from Montreal, Tony Dawson came to UBC in 1970, having completed his doctorate at Harvard the previous year. He has completed scholarly editions of several Shakespeare plays and written extensively on performance, on the cultural and religious contexts of the Elizabethan theatre, and on  editorial and textual theory and practice.  His books include The Culture of Playgoing in Shakespeare's England (with Paul Yachnin) (2001) and Hamlet: Shakespeare in performance (1995). He is the recipient of both a Killam teaching award and a Killam research prize, and has served as President of the Shakespeare Association of America. 

Jerry Wasserman - moderator
Professor Emeritus of English and Theatre (2017)

Jerry Wasserman retired in 2016 after 44 years teaching at UBC. Jerry is also an actor and theatre critic with Lifetime Achievement awards from the Canadian Association for Theatre Research and the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Association. He is a member of the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame.

Zoom Joining Details

Topic: Senior Scholars' Series - Making Friends with Shakespeare - Tony Dawson
Time: Sep 24, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 682 9148 1473
Passcode: 874334

Co-sponsors: Emeritus College and Green College

  • Senior Scholar's Series

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