March 2, 2023, 7:00 pm

Zoom or UBC Robson Square

Aging inevitably affects us all, including our loved ones. So how can we ensure optimal health as we’re getting on in years? Hear from five top UBC researchers and experts from the faculties of Applied Science, Arts, Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. All alumni and friends are invited to this hybrid event to learn about different approaches to increasing and promoting healthy aging.

This event is presented in partnership by alumni UBC and the UBC faculties of Applied Science, Arts, Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Michelle Eliot, BA’98 — Host, CBC British Columbia’s BC Today

Dr. Annalijn Conklin — Assistant Professor, UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Scientist, Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences 

Dr. Christiane Hoppmann (she/her) — Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies; Professor, Department of Psychology, UBC Faculty of Arts; Canada Research Chair in Health and Adult Development

Dr. Michael Kobor (he/him/his) — Edwin S.H. Leong UBC Chair in Healthy Aging, UBC President’s Excellence Chair; Professor, UBC Department of Medical Genetics; Canada Research Chair in Social Epigenetics 

Dr. Margaret P. Moss (she/her/hers) — Director, First Nations House of Learning; Professor, UBC School of Nursing 

Shunhau To — Program Manager, UBC Geriatric Dentistry Program 

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