March 4, 2023, 8:15 pm

P. A. Woodward Instructional Resources Centre

Stephen Poloz

How Will Canada Prosper in the Next Age of Uncertainty?
Dr. Stephen Poloz, Former Governor of the Bank of Canada, Special Advisor, Osler

Dr. Poloz is a distinguished economist with four decades of experience in financial markets, forecasting, and economic policy. He is the author of The Next Age of Uncertainty: How the World Can Adapt to a Riskier Future (2022). Dr. Poloz was the ninth Governor of the Bank of Canada until June 2020. Prior to that appointment, he served as Chief Executive Officer at Export Development Canada. He has been a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund and at the Economic Planning Agency in Tokyo, Japan, and past president of the Ottawa Economics Association. In 2017, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Trent University. Dr. Poloz is a Certified International Trade Professional, and a graduate of Columbia University’s Senior Executive Program.

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