March 11, 2023, 8:15 pm

P. A. Woodward Instructional Resources Centre

Pieter Cullis

How UBC Enabled the COVID 19 MRNA Vaccines
Dr. Pieter Cullis, O.C., Director, Life Sciences Institute, Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UBC

Dr. Cullis is globally known for his contributions to the field of lipid nanoparticles. His research has contributed to the development of nanomedicines employing lipid nanoparticle delivery technology leading to five clinically approved drugs for cancer therapies, gene therapies, and vaccines, including BNT162b2, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine marketed by Pfizer/BioNTech. He is also co-founder of ten biotechnology companies, author of over 350 scientific articles and holder of over 60 patents. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Dr. Cullis is the recipient of multiple awards and honours, including the Prix Galien Canada (2011), and more recently the Canada Gairdner International Award, as well as the Governor General’s Innovation Award, the Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science, and the Life Sciences British Columbia Global Impact Award.

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