October 12, 2023, 11:00 am
Critical Hope in/and the Middle East
The Faculty Women's Club would like to invite the professors emerti to join on Zoom for a lecture from Pheroze Unwalla, PhD, Associate Professor of Teaching, History/Chair, Middle East Studies.
Professor Unwalla completed his PhD from the University of London, in 2014. He is a historian of Turkey and the modern Middle East whose main research interests include memory, trauma, nationalism and space. As Educational Leadership-stream faculty, he is presently focused on the establishment, development and expansion of Middle East Studies (MES) at UBC and developing new pedagogical approaches in MES and Middle East History.
His most significant initiatives include developing and assessing classroom emotionality interventions and emotive writing assignments, critical pedagogies of hope in MES and History curricula, and developing Students as Partners (SaP) approaches and Mentorship Opportunities in MES.
When: Tuesday, Oct 12 at 11:00am
Where: Zoom
Contact Mary Thompson at thompson.nana@gmail.com to register.