SIG: Travel Group

June 13, 2024, 3:00 pm


Hiking, Cycling and Hanging Out in Morocco, March 2023
with Peter Wing, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Orthopaedics and Claire Weeks, Clinical Assistant Prof Emerita in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

In early March, 2023, in an effort to see exotic venues, use our aging muscles, visit family, reduce the wear and tear of travel and minimize our travel carbon footprint, we embarked on a 2-month trip to Morocco (via Montreal), Portugal, England and Scotland. This presentation will focus largely on the Moroccan segment of this trip: a 6-day guided hiking excursion in Morocco's High Atlas Mountains and a 2-week guided cycling trip in Morocco. We organized the hiking trip ourselves and joined a group of Vancouver friends for the cycling trip, and we can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. One of us had been to Morocco more than 50 years ago and can comment on changes. We were there 6 months before the earthquake, and we can talk about the insights we gained about its effects from locals.

Format: Zoom
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  • SIG: Travel Group

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