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Senior Scholars' Series - January 11, 2022

Senior Scholars' Series: The Passions that Drive Academic Life

Link to Zoom registration

Anne Gorsuch
Professor Emerita of History (2019)

“Life Stories”

Mine has not been a straight path. I happily worked for years as a professor of history, researcher, teacher, and administrator. I wrote and taught Soviet history with particular interest in the cultural histories of youth, tourism, the Soviet 1960s, and the Soviet-Cuban relationship. I served as Head of the History Department and as Deputy to the President for Arvind Gupta. As an administrator, I became curious about how to better support clearer purpose, more perspective, and deeper meaning for myself and others, and I trained as an integral coach. Approaching life with what Buddhists call “don’t know mind,” has helped release certainties and make room for new possibilities, and I took early retirement in 2019 to open a therapeutic coaching practice. Although my clients are diverse, my experiences make me especially sensitive to the opportunities and challenges of faculty life. 

Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe - moderator
Professor Emeritus of Art History, Visual Art and Theory (2015)

Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe graduated from the Courtauld Institute and taught for the Open University, and at London and McGill Universities before joining UBC. He chaired the ISGP and then his home department, Art History Visual Art & Theory before serving as Associate Dean, Awards and Scholarships, in the Faculty of Graduate Studies; a member of Senate for several years he was twice elected co-Chair. He has published extensively on art, architectural and design history with a particular interest in related social and political culture especially of the later modern era; recipient of the Vancouver Book Prize, he was awarded a J.S Guggenheim Fellowship  and a Visiting Fellowship at Clare Hall in Cambridge University. He is currently completing a re-assessment of the architecture and ideology of Arthur Erickson and, also with Michelangelo Sabatino, a multi-perspective anthology on Modernist architecture in the Commonwealth of Nations.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Zoom registration in text
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

'All Over the Map" - UVic Retirees Association

What a perfect way to end calendar year 2021 at Elder Academy and to get to know Dr. Kevin Hall who was appointed President and Chancellor of our university a little over 12 months ago. Over the past calendar year, despite the challenges brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, at Elder Academy we have had the opportunity to learn from an array of speakers about various parts of our globe: China, The European Union, The Polar regions. It is fitting that we have a fine opportunity to hear from Kevin who has journeyed throughout over 100 countries…

”All Over The Map”

His presentation will explore a career path that has been altered based on various global social and environmental events and will explore Kevin’s evolution as an engineer, a humanitarian and as an innovator and entrepreneur. From advanced mathematical modelling to the use of photonics in pathogen detection, from low-cost water treatment solutions in the peri-urban slums of Southeast Asia to the restoration of livelihoods following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.


Date: Saturday, December 18, 2021
Time: 10:00am to Noon. Zoom entry available starting 15 minutes prior to scheduled time
Where: Online via Zoom
Link to join the session: Emailed to registrants via Eventbrite two days before first session
Cost: $5.00 (proceeds donated to the United Way)


Registration & payment done through EventBrite. Please click on:
Students attend free but need to register by emailing to secure the Zoom link.
Need to know more? Email:

Biograhpy Kevin Hall, President and Vice Chancellor – University of Victoria

On Nov. 1, 2020, Kevin Hall took office as the eighth president and vice- chancellor in the University of Victoria’s 57-year history.
Throughout his career as a senior leader working for three world-class institutions, Dr. Hall has served at many levels and functions at a university—from faculty member, research centre director and department chair, vice-president and senior deputy vice-chancellor of global engagement and partnerships at the University of Newcastle (UON) in New South Wales, Australia, and now as President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Victoria.

A civil engineer whose research and industry leadership have already made a global impact, Dr. Hall carries out trans-disciplinary research across several major themes including water quality modeling, development of environmental monitoring and pathogen detection systems, syndromic surveillance, and water and health in marginalized communities. Professor Hall holds several international patents and has developed associated start-ups. His research has been incorporated into Engineering Design Manuals both nationally and internationally.

Professor Hall visioned and built entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives at the University of Newcastle, leading the establishment of the Integrated Innovation Network (I2N) hubs and incubators. A highly respected leader in the higher education sector, Professor Hall was appointed by the Minister of Education to the Australia Research Council Advisory Council. He was a founding board member of the Sydney School of Entrepreneurship and a member of the NSW Minister for Health’s China Advisory Committee. Professor Hall has been a board member for over 30 corporations, university organizations, government, and not-for-profit entities including the Sydney School of Entrepreneurship, Intersect (Australia), Newcastle Innovation (Australia), Hunter Medical Research Institute (Australia), Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (Australia), Cooperative Research Centre - Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment; TRIUMF (Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics), C4 Network (Technology transfer consortium), Guelph-Waterloo Biotechnology Partnership, Waterloo University Accelerator Centre, SHARCNET (high performance computing network) and several other corporations.

Eventbrite Registration

Saturday, 18 December 2021 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Zoom meeting
Registration link for Eventbrite in text
Zoom, BC V6T 1Z2

Council Meeting - December 8, 2021

The Council will meet online.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021 - 10:30am to 12:30pm
Zoom link available to Council members only
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo Group

Photo Group December 3, 2021

The next photo group meeting will be a Zoom meeting on Friday, December 3, at 3pm. You can join for a general chat at 2.30.

The theme is “Serenity and/or Frenzy.” New photos, or photos from your catalog, are welcome, and you can submit photos on other themes. Please send up to 3 photos, plus (if you wish) a “before” version of one of your photos before processing, to me at Please number your photos if you would like me to show them in a particular order.
You can send them as email attachments, zip files, or downloads from an online site. If you include them in the body of an email, you should avoid letting your software reduce the size of the photos to any resolution less than about 1000 x 800 pixels (within reason, bigger is generally better!).

If you would like to join, please contact Richard Spencer for the zoom-link at 

Friday, 3 December 2021 - 3:00pm
Zoom online by request
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo Group

COVID walks in the neighbourhood: a photographic journey

Covid walks in the neighbourhood: a photographic journey

Presenter: Paul Steinbok, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Surgery

With the restrictions imposed by Covid, walking in the neighbourhood was one of the pleasures that all of us could enjoy. During my walks, I became more aware than ever of the beauty of nature and perceived details that normally I might have ignored. I observed more closely changes in the environment around me with the seasons, the weather and the light. It was uplifting to see how so many responded to Covid with messages of thanks and hope and with resourcefulness.

As we started a second year of Covid, I became more intrigued with patterns, shadows and reflections, especially on the pavement that I had been traversing repeatedly. This further stimulated my curiosity, imagination and ultimately my photographic creativity.

My hope is that this photographic presentation will not only be enjoyable but will enhance the appreciation of the richness and variety that abound in our neighbourhoods, if we take the time to look more closely.

Link to register for Zoom-meeting

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 - 4:00pm
Zoom link in text
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

European Association of Professors Emeriti | First Digital Educational Seminar

European Association of Professors Emeriti presents:

Committee on Prevention and Health Promotion

  • The clinical application of research in organ transplantation
  • The increase of life expectancy
  • Building health promotion. Psychosocial context
  • Epidemiology and prevention of CVD: past, present and future
  • Covid-19 and smoking

It is common knowledge that a healthy life is a requisite for every human achievement. Our committee has been formed towards preventing disease and promoting health in Europe and all over the world. Professors Emeriti have a great responsibility towards helping all individuals achieve a longer and healthier life, thus preserving and promulgating their capital of knowledge and of age.

Confirmation of Participation by email at:

Preliminary Program

9:00am PST

Welcome by Natale Gaspare DeSanto President of EAPE (University of Campania, Naples)

9:05am PST

Sir Magdi Yacoub, (Imperial College London & Aswan Heart Centre) Chairman Salutation
The clinical application of research in organ transplantation

9:20am PST

Dennis V. Cokkinos (University of Athens)
The goals of the committee of Prevention and Health Promotion
The increase of life expectancy 

9:35am PST

George Christodoulou (University of Athens)
Building Health Promotion. Psychosocial context

9:50am PST

Guy De Backer (University of Ghent)
Epidemiology and prevention of CVD: past, present and future

10:05am PST

Panagiotis Behrakis (University of Athens)
Salutation from the Institute of Public Health of the American College of Greece
Covid-19 and smoking.

10:20am PST

Questions and Answers

Confirmation of Participation by email at:

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 - 9:00am to 10:30am
Zoom meeting
Confirmation of Participation by email at:
Zoom, BC V6T 1Z2
