Upcoming Events

E.g., Jun 24, 2024

UBC Rose garden

Emeritus College Member Survey | June 1 - June 30

We Want to Hear from You: Member Survey

Every three years, the Emeritus College does an in-depth questionnaire to make sure we are serv­ing you well. 

It will take about 15 minutes to answer the questions.

Thank you for your participation and time!


Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 9:00am
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Tennis ball and racket

Seniors’ Sports Program | June 26

UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program focuses on modified small-sided games and racquet sport opportunities. An integral part of the UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program will include post-activity social. In the initial phase, programs begin in April until September.

The below schedule is subject to change. Please reach out to Harry Hubball harry.hubball@ubc.ca for the most up-to-date information.

Sports SIG Schedule

NOTE ABOUT PARTICIPATION: Due to complex facility booking, sport-specific costs, and availability, the schedule will be posted at least 1-month in advance and ‘signed-up’ participants will be required to confirm their attendance 2 weeks prior. Those who have already signed-up for a scheduled sport will have 1st priority. Anyone who wishes to join an activity should contact Harry Hubball prior to the event to confirm availability: harry.hubball@ubc.ca


If you are taking part in the activities of the Emeritus College Sports SIG, please recognize that you do so voluntarily for recreational purposes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health and are comfortable with the modified sport you are taking part in. You must wear any recommended safety equipment (e.g., shin guards, appropriate footwear, etc) as required and participate in a safe manner by obeying rules and regulations. Furthermore, to prevent injury, ensure that you conduct personal warm-up and cool-down strategies, prior to, and following participation in seniors’ sport.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 12:30pm
various locations
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo Group

Photo Group | June 28

Theme: Blur

As always, you can send photos on other themes, and the photos can be recent (preferred!) or from your catalog. 

Please send two photos to Richard Spencer on this theme (or your choice) before the meeting.

If you would like to join, please contact Roy Saunders at robodoc@telus.net for Zoom details

Check out the Photo Group’s Flickr account to view photos from their last meeting.

Friday, 28 June 2024 - 3:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Pickle Ball

Seniors’ Sports Program | July 3

UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program focuses on modified small-sided games and racquet sport opportunities. An integral part of the UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program will include post-activity social. In the initial phase, programs begin in April until September.

The below schedule is subject to change. Please reach out to Harry Hubball harry.hubball@ubc.ca for the most up-to-date information.

Sports SIG Schedule

NOTE ABOUT PARTICIPATION: Due to complex facility booking, sport-specific costs, and availability, the schedule will be posted at least 1-month in advance and ‘signed-up’ participants will be required to confirm their attendance 2 weeks prior. Those who have already signed-up for a scheduled sport will have 1st priority. Anyone who wishes to join an activity should contact Harry Hubball prior to the event to confirm availability: harry.hubball@ubc.ca


If you are taking part in the activities of the Emeritus College Sports SIG, please recognize that you do so voluntarily for recreational purposes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health and are comfortable with the modified sport you are taking part in. You must wear any recommended safety equipment (e.g., shin guards, appropriate footwear, etc) as required and participate in a safe manner by obeying rules and regulations. Furthermore, to prevent injury, ensure that you conduct personal warm-up and cool-down strategies, prior to, and following participation in seniors’ sport.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024 - 12:00pm
various locations
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo of person where bike helmet looking with a view of the city

Easy Riders Cycling Group | July 5

EASY RIDERS  -  SCience World

An enjoyable AAA ride (All Ages and Abilities). 

Route: Meeting place and departure time TBD. Route - Science World - Seawall -Arbutus Greenway - 37th - Dumfries- Trout Lake- Greenway to Great Northern Way back. Coffee and pastries at Commercial Cafe.

Newcomers interested in participating should contact Graeme Wynn wynn@geog.ubc.ca prior to the ride.

If you are joining this Easy Riders outing, please recognize that you do so voluntarily for recreational purposes.   It is your responsibility to ensure that your bike is in good running order and thoroughly roadworthy. You must wear an approved cycling helmet, ride in a safe manner and obey all road traffic signs and rules. We are the Easy Riders - we will try to maximize use of protected bike lanes, local street bikeways, and painted bike lanes on our routes but some use of Shared Use lanes may be necessary. Generally we will try to follow Metro Vancouver’s  AAA (All Ages and Abilities) routes.  Inclines are unavoidable if riding any distance in Vancouver. Individuals should be careful not to over-exert themselves or ride beyond their comfort zones. We will have a designated route and accommodate those who need to dismount and walk or proceed. 

Friday, 5 July 2024 - 10:00am
Vancouver, BC V6A 3Z7
Emeriti playing cricket

Seniors’ Sports Program | July 10

UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program focuses on modified small-sided games and racquet sport opportunities. An integral part of the UBC Emeriti Seniors’ Sports Program will include post-activity social. In the initial phase, programs begin in April until September.

The below schedule is subject to change. Please reach out to Harry Hubball harry.hubball@ubc.ca for the most up-to-date information.

Sports SIG Schedule

NOTE ABOUT PARTICIPATION: Due to complex facility booking, sport-specific costs, and availability, the schedule will be posted at least 1-month in advance and ‘signed-up’ participants will be required to confirm their attendance 2 weeks prior. Those who have already signed-up for a scheduled sport will have 1st priority. Anyone who wishes to join an activity should contact Harry Hubball prior to the event to confirm availability: harry.hubball@ubc.ca


If you are taking part in the activities of the Emeritus College Sports SIG, please recognize that you do so voluntarily for recreational purposes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health and are comfortable with the modified sport you are taking part in. You must wear any recommended safety equipment (e.g., shin guards, appropriate footwear, etc) as required and participate in a safe manner by obeying rules and regulations. Furthermore, to prevent injury, ensure that you conduct personal warm-up and cool-down strategies, prior to, and following participation in seniors’ sport.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 - 12:00pm
various locations
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
