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Vancouver Institute: Elizabeth Kolbert | February 11

The Vancouver Institute Lectures

Title: Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future
Speaker: Elizabeth Kolbert, Award-winning author and journalist

Ms. Kolbert is an observer and commentator on the crisis faced by humans in the Anthropocene for The New Yorker magazine. She is best known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (2014) and Under a White Sky (2021) is her latest book. Ms. Kolbert’s series on global warming, “The Climate of Man,” (The New Yorker, 2005) won the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s magazine award. She is the recipient of many distinguished awards including the National Academy of Sciences Communication Award (2006) and a Heinz Award (2010). She was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2021. Ms. Kolbert’s articles have also appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Vogue, and Mother Jones, and have been anthologized in The Best American Science and Nature Writing and The Best American Political Writing.

More Information

Saturday, 11 February 2023 - 8:15pm
P. A. Woodward Instructional Resources Centre
2194 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1
UBC's Main Maill

Professors Emeriti Network Lecture | February 15

The Professors Emeriti Networks invites UBC Emeriti to the below lecture:

Post-Secondary Retiree Associations in Canada: Context, Development, Values, Achievements, Challenges, Aspirations

The objective:  Presentation of an overview of post-secondary retiree associations in Canada from a national perspective, including information of the wide variety of associations, the challenges they face today and plans for the future.


Dr. Fred Fletcher, Professor Emeritus
Political Science and Communication Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada
Chairperson, Communications Committee, College and University Retiree Associations of Canada – CURAC

We kindly invite you to register for the meeting at Joze.Gricar@UM.si.

Those registered will receive a link to the meeting. The Participants List will be published after the meeting.

Wednesday, 15 February 2023 - 8:00am to 10:00am
On Zoom
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo of Monet's water garden, Giverny

Travel Group | February 16, 2023

Paris and the Heart of Normandy: Cruising the Seine

Presented by: Paul Steinbok (Professor Emeritus Surgery)

After 2 days in Paris on board our Viking ship, docked in sight of the Eiffel tower, we cruised down the Seine to Rouen. En route, we visited La Roche Guyon and Vernon and explored Giverny and the house and gardens where Claude Monet lived and worked. From Rouen we went by road to Bayeaux to see the magnificent tapestry that chronicles the pre-Battle of Hastings events.

Afterwards, we headed to Normandy’s coast to visit Juno Beach, the site of the Canadian landing on D-Day, June 6, 1944  and the nearby Commonwealth cemetery. On the return trip up the Seine, we stopped at Les Andelys with its imposing castle, Château Gaillard, built by Richard the Lionheart.  Then, on to Napoleon’s Château de Malmaison at Le Pecq before returning to Paris. This was a trip filled with history, art, architecture in beautiful urban and pastoral settings.

If you wish to receive the zoom link for the meeting and are not already on the EC Travel group list, please contact Paul Steinbok at psteinbok@cw.bc.ca.

Watch the Recording

Thursday, 16 February 2023 - 3:00pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Series at Green College February 16, 2023

'Disciplines Over Time: Making, Keeping and Breaking the Boundaries of Knowledge' is a cross departmental collaboration between UBC's Green College and Emeritus College.

This series will bring together scholars who inhabit the same academic discipline or field of study, and are at different stages of their careers, to talk about how the boundaries separating their field of specialization from other fields have changed over time. The conversation will inevitably lead to a consideration of cross-disciplinary influences and interdisciplinary trends, as participants account for changes in the cognitive strength of sub-disciplines and the rise and fall of disciplinary paradigms. The intent will be to identify underlying reasons for the observed changes and, by the end of the series, to draw some general conclusions about mechanisms of (inter)disciplinary interaction and development, in the spirit—if not necessarily the style—of Thomas Kuhn and Michel Foucault.

Series Convener: Donald Fisher, Past-Principal, UBC Emeritus College


Mukesh Eswaran, Professor Emeritus, Economics, UBC; 

David Green, Professor, Economics, UBC; and

Idaliya Grigoryeva, Green College Society Member and PhD Student, Economics, University of California, San Diego

This series, co-hosted with UBC Emeritus College, brings together scholars who inhabit the same academic discipline or field of study, and are at different stages of their careers, to talk about how the boundaries separating their field of specialization from other fields have shifted over time. This fourth event in the series will stage a conversation between scholars of Economics. The moderator will ask the panelists a series of questions about their perspectives on the discipline, and the discussion will be opened at an early stage to members of the audience. The goal of the event is to grasp the interdisciplinary nexus that is ‘Economics’ in Canadian and other universities and to peer into possible futures of the field.


Join us in-person at Green College on the UBC Vancouver Campus or virtually. The session will be followed by a reception. Meeting details on Green College Website

Green College Event Details
Coach House, Green College, UBC and livestreamed
Thursday, February 16, 5-6:30pm with reception to follow


Emeritus College and Green College

Thursday, 16 February 2023 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Hybrid: In-person and online through Green College
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Community Volunteer Group February 23, 2023

At this meeting we will hear from two organizations:

Megaphone with Holly Sakaki, Development and Public Outreach Coordinator and Sammy Pranteau, Peer Coordinator https://www.megaphonemagazine.com/

YWCA with Zoe Strong, Volunteer Coordinator and Erin Seeley, CEO https://ywcavan.org/

Meeting Format: Zoom

Join the Community Volunteer Group mailing list: Please email Nancy.Gallini@ubc.ca and express your interest.

Thursday, 23 February 2023 - 4:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
UBC's Main Mall

Call for Feedback | February 23

New President and Vice-Chancellor | Call for Feedback

UBC has launched its search for a new President and Vice-Chancellor. The Search Committee is calling for input from all members of the UBC community including the members of the Emeritus College. Some key area’s they are asking for input on is as follows:

  • What do you see as some of the key opportunities and challenges ahead for the President and Vice-Chancellor in the coming years?
  • What experience and personal qualities would you want an ideal candidate to bring to this role?
  • Any other comments that might be useful to the committee?
  • Any suggestions of potential candidates for this role?

A short survey has been created to collect responses. The survey can be accessed here: https://chkmkt.com/ubcpresident. Responses will be anonymous unless you choose to provide your name.

The deadline for feedback is February 23, 2023.

Thursday, 23 February 2023 - 5:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
