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UBC Rose Garden

Flag Lowering In Remembrance | April 1

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (temporarily relocated to the East Mall Entrance and Plaza at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) will be lowered on Saturday, April 1, 2023 in remembrance. 

Professor Emerita Anne Piternick passed away January 20, 2023. Professor Piternick served in the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies.

Associate Professor Emeritus James Ponzetti passed away January 25, 2023. Dr. Ponzetti taught in the Department of Sociology.

Professor Emeritus William Piper passed away on February 13, 2023. Dr. Piper taught in the Department of Psychiatry and served as the Founding Director of the UBC Psychotherapy Program.

Professor Emeritus Neil James Yorkston passed away February 20, 2023. Professor Yorkston served as the Head of Psychiatry Department. 

Dean Emeritus George Beagrie passed away March 03, 2023. As the Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Beagrie worked tirelessly to build and expand the Faculty’s research enterprise.

Professor Emeritus Dan Rurak passed away March 06, 2023. Dr. Rurak taught in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.   

More Information

Saturday, 1 April 2023 - 8:00am
East Mall Entrance and Plaza at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1

Council Meeting April 5, 2023

Wednesday, 5 April 2023 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Council members only
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Bri Watson Event Poster

UBC Library Workshop | April 6

Not Just Checking Boxes: Thinking & Working Through Ethical Problems with Checklists
with Bri Watson, EDI Scholar-In-Residence at UBC Library

Over the past few decades, members of the public, students, professionals, and researchers have struggled to the dilemmas and conundrums originating from powerful new technologies, including artificial intelligence, Big Data, machine learning, just to name a few. Although these new technologies hold much potential, their creators and designers have—more often than not—been willingly overlook the often-detrimental and sometimes-devastating unintended consequences.

In this workshop, Bri Watson guides participants through the development and use of a checklist developed over the course of multiple years in consultation with the creators, developers, maintainers, sustainers, and affected individuals and communities.

When: Thursday, April 6 from 10:00 to 11:30am
Where: Peña Room (Room 301), Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

More Information

Thursday, 6 April 2023 - 10:00am
Peña Room (Room 301), Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Photo Group

Photo Group | April 6

How to Take and Make a Better Photo with Neil le Nobel

This presentation will appeal to novice and intermediate photographers wanting to improve their photographic technique by putting more "wow" into their photos. A basic explanation of photographic parameters that govern the capture of a good photo will be presented using many illustrative photos. The talk will include a number of techniques that the novice photographer can use to make creative photos without the use of expensive software. "In-camera" techniques that make use of on-board camera software will also be discussed. 

You'll learn about good photographic composition by the use of proper placement of subject matter and favorable shadow and light conditions that help enhance photos. The talk will end with a short series of amateur award winning photos.

Neil le Nobel has been an amateur photographer for thirty years. He is currently the Past President and Competitions Chair of the Richmond Photo Club. He is a photographic judge amongst the Lower Mainland camera clubs as well an online judge for the Canadian photographic community, and a member of the Canadian Association of Photographic Art.

If you would like to attend, please contact Richard Spencer at richard@rhspencer.ca for details

Check out the Photo Group’s new Flickr account to view photos from their last meeting.

Thursday, 6 April 2023 - 1:30pm
Ponderosa Commons North
Room 1009
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Community Volunteer Group April 6, 2023

Meeting Details: PEN Canada

Speakers: Scott McIntyre, founder of Douglas and McIntyre Publishers and Board member, PEN

Meeting Format: TBC. This meeting my be hosted in a hybrid format. Before the meeting, those interested will be asked to confrim thier attendance in-person or online.

Join the Community Volunteer Group mailing list: Please email Nancy.Gallini@ubc.ca and express your interest.

Thursday, 6 April 2023 - 4:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Co-housing Women's Group | April 13

Women’s Cohousing:

With speaker Margaret Critchlow (formerly Rodman), PhD.

Dr. Critchlow taught anthropology of space and place at York University in Toronto, Canada for 25 years before retiring to Vancouver Island and co-founding the first senior cohousing community in western Canada, Harbourside Cohousing, where she has lived with her husband since it opened in Jan 2016. Margaret enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for cohousing with people of all ages, independently and as a Community Building Facilitator with Cohousing Development Consulting. She teaches online courses for the Foundation for Intentional Community with Laird Schaub, “Planning for aging in community” and “Aging Well in Community.” She also offers workshops for new cohousing groups who want to build their membership and/or understand more about how cohousing can support aging in place. 

Baba Yaga House and other models for living for women retirees

The recent crises in long term care as a result of the Pandemic have emphasized the need for coming up with new models for aging demographics. It remains a well-documented fact that women generally have fewer access to resources than men when it comes to this stage of their lives. The group is intended to comprise those who wish to delve further into the possibilities for self-governing models of group living that combine independent spaces with communal ones (co-housing, coop housing etc.). The Baba Yaga model set up in France has inspired people across the world: https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20130305-babayagas-house

We will share experts and expertise (including inspiring writers, artists and film directors) that exist in the field to see what is possible. It is anticipated that pooling our knowledge will provide a range of realistic models for the future and may even have direct practical outcomes. While the call to participate is initially directed at women only we will decide at the first meeting whether to stay with this model.

Join the Co-housing Women's Group mailing list: Please email sneja.gunew@ubc.ca and express your interest.

Meeting Format: Zoom. Group members will receive the Zoom links in advance of all meetings.

Thursday, 13 April 2023 - 4:00pm
Zoom meeting
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
