Past Events

E.g., Jun 17, 2024

Cartoon of people doing various activities

CIHR Institute of Aging: Strategic Plan for 2022-29

Community Engagement Session Invitation

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging is currently working on a renewed strategic plan and is looking forward to releasing it in mid-2022. Through listening carefully to priorities for research on aging over the past year they would now like to hear specifically from the research community on research to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults.

Join them for an overview of key research priorities for the coming years and engage in a discussion on your thoughts and needs for the future of research on aging in Canada. 

Register for one of the following dates:

  • March 8, 2022 from 3-4pm EST (12-1pm PST)
  • March 10, 2022 from 10-11am EST (7-8am PST)
  • March 16, 2022 from 1-2pm EST (10-11am PST)
  • March 17, 2022 from 10-11:30am EST (7-8:30am PST) *Bilingual*

Eventbrite Registration Link

Tuesday, 8 March 2022 - 12:00pm
Zoom webinar - registration details below
Choose from 4 Session Dates
London, ON N6A 3K7

Volunteer Group - Mar. 3, 2022

The Emeritus Volunteer Group Third Meeting

Thursday, Mar. 3, 4-5pm

We are fortunate that Janice Abbott has agreed to speak at the meeting. Janice is the CEO of Atira Women's Resource Society, a non-profit that provides safe housing to women and children affected by violence, and engages in education and advocacy toward ending all forms of gendered violence. Having been CEO at Atira for the past 30 years, Janice knows many of the non-profits in the DTES and will be able to discuss volunteer opportunities at Atira as well as other organizations supporting women, children, public health, education and housing. In response to hearing about the Emeritus College Volunteer Group, Janice wrote: “This sounds like an incredible initiative and I can think of multiple organizations that could benefit, as well as projects, and people who would be over the moon at the opportunity.” We will begin the meeting with an open discussion around any insights participants wish to share from the last meeting with Martha Piper, or volunteer opportunities they’ve recently become aware of. Then we’ll turn it over to Janice who will speak for 15-20 minutes, after which we’ll open it up for questions/comments.

If you wish to attend, please contact me at so I can send you the zoom link the week of the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 3 at 4pm!

Thursday, 3 March 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Council Meeting - March 2, 2022

The Council will meet online.

Link to Zoom Registration

Wednesday, 2 March 2022 - 10:30am to 12:30pm
Zoom link available to Council members only
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Photo Group

Photo Group February 25, 2022

There are two themes:  “Shadows” and “Space/Time/Motion” – you can chose either or both. New photos, or photos from your catalog, are welcome, and you can submit photos on other themes.

A change in meeting format: We agreed to try some changes to our meeting format, as follows:

Submit no more than 3 photos, no later than the end of the day on Thursday before the meeting.

Designate one photo to be shown first. (If there are 1 or 2 photos that show how the main photo was processed, you can show them along with the main photo.)

Number your remaining photos in order.

We will start by going through all our first choice photos , one per person*, allowing time for discussion and comment. One of our experienced photographers will facilitate a discussion of each photo, exploring questions such as:

Why did you take the photo?

Does it do what you wanted it to do?

Could it have been/be improved:

     o When it was taken?

     o In post-processing?

We will then look at the photos that haven’t been shown, one photo per person, in order, spending less time on each photo, if there is time remaining. (*if you chose to show additional photos with your main photo, we won’t look at them again.)

Meetings will be limited to 1 hour for review of photos + 15 min for feedback, and planning our next meeting.

The order of viewing will be randomised (before the meeting).

We will discuss how this worked at the end of the meeting, and decide whether to continue this way, or make some changes.

Please send no more than 3 photos to me at no later than the end of the day on Thursday, Feb 24.

Future meetings: We plan to meet on April 8, and May 13. We may be able to move to hybrid meetings (in person at UBC + online using Zoom), depending on Covid.

Take and Make Better Photos: Once we can confirm rooms at UBC I will contact Neil leNobel to schedule this talk, and let you know the date, time and place.  I hope we can do this in February or March.

If you would like to join the group, please contact Richard Spencer for the zoom-link at 

Friday, 25 February 2022 - 3:00pm
Zoom online by request
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Travel Group February 24, 2022

Circumnavigation of Newfoundland

Presented by John and Sylvia Aldrich

Newfoundland has its roots in its relationship with the sea, so there is really no better way to see the island than from a ship. In fact, many communities cannot be visited without access from the sea. St. John’s is a marvellous place to walk around - so much to see on the harbour front and in the brightly coloured houses near the harbour. We sailed in a counter clockwise direction around the island, stopping at 11 locations including St. Pierre et Miquelon before ending up back in St. John’s. Among these locations were Bonavista with its famous lighthouse and where John Cabot stepped ashore in 1497; Little Bay Islands, once a thriving outport, where most of the residents have been relocated:  St. Anthony - famous for Dr. Grenfell and his medical missionary work. His house is beautifully preserved. Nearby is L’anse aux Meadow, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the only authenticated Norse/ Viking site in the Americas. On to the west of the Island and Gros Morne National park for some guided hikes.

On the south coast the highlights were François, a small hamlet (population<100) which has no road access, and Miawpukek, a First Nations territory where we were treated to dancing and a drum circle.

If you are currently not on the email list of the EC travel interest group and wish to receive our mailings, please contact Paul Steinbok at

A zoom link will be sent out 2 days before each meeting.

Thursday, 24 February 2022 - 3:00pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Film Group Feb 23, 2022

Series Fourteen –  Immigration

Zoom discussions of each film will take place on last Wednesdays at 4pm: Jan 26, Feb 23 and Mar 30

Hosted by John LeBlanc

To join the group, please email john.leblanc @

Series Fourteen: Immigration continues to become a central reality of our time, increasing in scale and complexity and eliciting a wide range of responses from positive promotion (Canada desires and needs more immigrants) to condemnation (strong man countries erecting walls of various sorts).  Feature films have addressed issues of immigration since film began in the late 19th century, but our series will focus on more recent efforts, beginning with El Norte from 40 years ago when the general public was just beginning to gain a more in-depth awareness of such social issues.  Mediterranea provides a more contemporary (and more geographically removed) window into the situation facing immigrants.  Finally, Amreeka sees immigrant experience from a more positive perspective, adding balance to the seemingly insurmountable problems. 

Feb 23 – Mediterranea (2015) – directed by Jonas Carpignano follows two brothers who make the perilous journey from Burkina Faso (Central Africa) through Libya to what they hope will be a promised land in Rosarno (Southern Italy).  The older brother (Ayiva) is played by an actual immigrant who greatly informed the screenplay.  The journey through Africa to the coast is perilous enough, but upon their arrival in Italy they are faced with squalid living conditions, low-paying seasonal work in the citrus groves of the Gioia Tauro plain, and hostility from the locals and the police, with the 2010 anti-immigrant riots in Rosarno as a backdrop.  STREAMING AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON OR YOUTUBE FOR A SMALL FEE.    

Wednesday, 23 February 2022 - 4:00pm
2008 Lower Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
