Upcoming Events

E.g., Jun 24, 2024

Council Meeting | Feb 1, 2023

Wednesday, 1 February 2023 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Council members only
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
View of UBC Campus and lands with fish-eye lens

Campus Vision 2050 Engagement Session|Feb 2, 2023

Emeritus are invited to the next engagement session on the Campus Vision 2050. Help guide the planning process for the future of UBC.

Members met in the Spring and Fall of 2022 to learn about and provide feedback to support the CV2050 planning process. Recordings of the Spring event can be found on youtube. In this third engagement session members can learn about the next stages and continue to give their valuable insights on their experience and hopes for UBC in the future.

Join us for a short presentation to learn about CV2050, then participate in the conversation by asking questions and providing your insights on key CV2050 topics.

About Campus Vision 2050

The UBC Vancouver campus, situated on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people, is home to a world-class, global university, residential neighbourhoods and a vibrant community in a growing region. In early 2022 UBC Campus and Community Planning is launching Campus Vision 2050 (CV2050), a comprehensive, two-and-a-half-year land use planning process. The CV2050 process will build on the history of this unique place and plan for what comes next for a university campus and a community in changing region and world.  

CV2050 will be developed through comprehensive engagement with Musqueam and the campus community, and informed by policy, principles, best practices, and societal imperatives like housing affordability, reconciliation, climate change, anti-racism, connectivity and community wellbeing. The public process formally launched in January 2022 with a broad conversation with the university community on needs and aspirations, and there will be several points of public engagement during Campus Vision 2050 to enable comprehensive community input.

CV2050 will lead to a long-term vision and ensure the future direction for the campus builds on what makes UBC a special place and enhances the livability, sociability and character of the campus within its unique context. The final vision and plans will support the needs of the university and balance the interests of our campus communities, our Indigenous hosts, the broader region, and the environment. 

Read more about CV2050 and find out how to get involved: campusvision2050.ubc.ca

Register for Zoom meeting

Thursday, 2 February 2023 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Zoom meeting
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Deadline for Nominations for Emeriti Awards

UBC Emeritus College Award for Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavours

Nominations due February 6, 2023

The Award of Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavours from the UBC Emeritus College recognizes UBC emeriti for excellence in innovative research, artistic creation or new applications of previous research since attaining emeritus status.
Each year, Emeritus College holds a ceremony to highlight both UBC and the accomplishments of its Emeriti, honouring those who have excelled and brought integrity to UBC. In addition to the recognition of the Award, recipients will receive $1,000. Any person may nominate candidates for the Award to the Emeritus College through an online nominations form.

Candidacy nominations can be submitted by any persons, however, to be considered, candidates bust be persons listed under "Emeritus Staff" within the UBC Vancouver Academic Calendar.
More information about the online application and last year’s recipient at: UBC Emeritus College website

UBC President’s Award for Distinguished Service

Nominations due February 6, 2023

The UBC President's Award for Distinguished Service honours UBC emeriti who have displayed exceptional leadership in volunteer community services.

UBC Emeritus college seeks to recognize the importance of the voluntary and community contributions made by UBC Emeriti toward broader communities. In addition to the recognition of the Award, recipients will receive $1,000. It is anticipated that the recipient(s) will direct the fund to an organization, charity, or fund of their choosing. 

Candidacy nominations can be submitted by any persons, however, to be considered, candidates bust be persons listed under "Emeritus Staff" within the UBC Vancouver Academic Calendar.
More information about the online application and past award recipients at: UBC Emeritus College website

Monday, 6 February 2023 - 4:00pm
link in the text
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Image of student walking with foliage in the background

Groves of Academe | February 7, 2023

READING: Azar Nafisi, Read Dangerously 

If you would like to join the group please contact convenor, Graeme Wynn (wynn@geog.ubc.ca). 

*Details of this in-person event will be confirmed through the group's email communications closer to the date. Please contact the convenor for more information or to be added to the group. By nature of the intimate sharing format of the group, membership size is limited.*

Learn more about the group and the format of thier activites here

Tuesday, 7 February 2023 - 3:30pm
Green College
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

General Meeting February 8, 2023

"Facing Xi Jinping's China: Comparative approaches from the US, the European Union, Canada, Japan, India, South East Asia, Singapore"

Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002; Harvard Academy Scholar 2006; Fulbright Scholar 1996) is a Professor of Political Science, Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research, and Director of the Center for Japanese Research at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. In November 2017, he was made a Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite by the French President.

Yves is a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada and a Senior Fellow at the University of Alberta’s China Institute. He is an International Steering Committee Member at Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD) and a visiting professor at Tokyo University, The Taipei School of Economics, and Sciences Po Paris. He has held other visiting positions at National Chengchi University (Taiwan), GRIPS (Tokyo), and the Jakarta School of Public Policy (Indonesia).

His research focuses on the comparative political economy of East Asia and on global economic and environmental governance. His latest book is The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox. August 2021. University Press (with post-2021 updates found here).

He is working on two new books, respectively titled Up for Grabs: Disruption, Competition, and the Remaking of the Global Order and Navigating the Age of Disruption: Understanding Canada’s Options in a Shifting Global Order.  He is also leading a research project on the political economy of the twin industrial revolutions (digital/AI and green tech).

His previous books include Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (2007, Cornell University Press); L’Asie et le futur du monde (2012, Paris: Science Po Press); and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule (2013, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan). In 2020, he edited an online collection of papers on Japan’s leadership in the Liberal International Order. He has published articles and book chapters on the political economy of Japan and China, global governance, global climate change politics, and the governance of agricultural biotechnology.

Dr. Tiberghien co-founded the Vision 20 initiative in 2015, a new coalition of global scholars and policy-makers aiming at providing a long-term perspective on the challenges of global economic and environmental governance. The V20 held six summits (Hangzhou, 2016, Buenos Aires 2018, Tokyo 2018, and Washington DC, 2017, 2018, 2019).


2:00pm Business meeting
2:15pm Talk by Yves Tiberghien
3:00pm Q&A
3:15pm End of meeting

View Event Recording

Wednesday, 8 February 2023 - 2:00pm
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Co-housing Women's Group February 9, 2023

Baba Yaga House and other models for living for women retirees

Guest Speaker: Michelle Cooper-Iversen who is the Chief Operating Officer of the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC’s) Group of Social Purpose Entities– this includes COHO Management Services Society and the Community Land Trust. She holds a designation in Human Resources and is a graduate of the Saint Mary’s University Master of Management, Cooperatives and Credit Union.  She is responsible for executing operational plans than impact CHF BC, COHO and the Community Land Trust with a goal of ensuring that CHF BC’s wholly owned subsidiaries are working in cooperation with a focus on strengthening the organization and the co-op housing sector.

More Information on the Co-housing Women's Group

The recent crises in long term care as a result of the Pandemic have emphasized the need for coming up with new models for aging demographics. It remains a well-documented fact that women generally have fewer access to resources than men when it comes to this stage of their lives. The group is intended to comprise those who wish to delve further into the possibilities for self-governing models of group living that combine independent spaces with communal ones (co-housing, coop housing etc.). The Baba Yaga model set up in France has inspired people across the world: https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20130305-babayagas-house

We will share experts and expertise (including inspiring writers, artists and film directors) that exist in the field to see what is possible. It is anticipated that pooling our knowledge will provide a range of realistic models for the future and may even have direct practical outcomes. While the call to participate is initially directed at women only we will decide at the first meeting whether to stay with this model.

Join the Co-housing Women's Group mailing list: Please email sneja.gunew@ubc.ca and express your interest.

Meeting Format: Zoom. Group members will receive the Zoom links in advance of all meetings.

Thursday, 9 February 2023 - 4:00pm
Zoom meeting
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
