Upcoming Events

E.g., Jun 16, 2024

Film Group October 7

The Film Group will take advantage of the Vancouver International Film Festival taking place this year from October 1 to 11. 

We are watching online and discussing three films showing as part of the online (VIFF Connect) version of the 2021 Vancouver International Film Festival (Oct 1-11).

The three films chosen to watch online and then discuss in a zoom meeting are:

Havel (Czech Republic, 2020)
Directed by Slavek Horak: a liberally constructed bio-pic of the Czech writer turned activist and politician. 
Zoom discussion on Monday, Oct 4 at 3:30pm

All My Puny Sorrows (Canada, 2021)
Directed by Michael McGowan: an adaptation of Miriam Toews’ novel about two lapsed Mennonite sisters – one a struggling writer grappling with divorce, the other a celebrated concert pianist who is suicidal. 
Zoom discussion on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 1:30pm

Yuni (Indonesia, 2021)
Directed by Kamila Andini: a naïve yet manipulative Indonesian teenage girl’s dreams of an independent, fulfilling life are compromised by marriage proposals. 
Zoom discussion on Tuesday Oct. 12 at 4pm.

To watch the films, go to the Vancouver International Film Festival  home page ( viff.org ) and create an account, if you don’t already have an account with VIFF.  Once you have an account, click on the Festival tab and then click on the VIFF Connect tab, listing the festival films showing online.  Our suggestion is to purchase a package of 4 online films: the three films to be discussed and one other film of your own choosing.
To purchase the four films, click on the Festival tab, the Tickets and Passes tab, and the 4 Ticket Pack Tab (Regular $48 / Senior $44).  
To purchase the three chosen films individually, simply click on the purchase tab under the description of the film. 
Our suggestion is to purchase the films as soon as you decide to participate, as there is the slight possibility that the film may sell out.

Watch the film any time before the Zoom discussion takes place.

To join the group, please email john.leblanc @ ubc.ca

Thursday, 7 October 2021 - 1:30pm
Zoom Link by request
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4



Keynoters Louise Aronson, MD, acclaimed geriatrician and author of the bestselling Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, and Reimagining Life, and Jean Accius, PhD, Senior Vice President for Global Thought Leadership at AARP, will inspire us to resist agism and re-imagine retirement as a time of purpose and passion for elders everywhere. And of course we will focus on the post-pandemic future of our retirement organizations too, highlighting the innovative ways we will continue to sustain social and intellectual engagement as well as offer service to our local and global communities. 

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - 9:00am to Thursday, 14 October 2021 - 4:00pm
Registration via AROHE website
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Senior Scholars' Series - October 12, 2021

Making a difference: contributing to a healthier canada

Link to Zoom Registration

Carol Herbert
Professor Emerita of Family Practice (2021)

Carol Herbert, a founding Fellow and former President of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, is Professor Emerita of Family Medicine in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University and Professor Emerita of Family Practice at UBC. She was Dean at Schulich (1999-2010), Head of the UBC Department of Family Practice (1988-98), founding Head of the UBC Division of Behavioural Medicine, and a founder of the UBC Institute of Health Promotion Research. As a community-based physician, she practised from 1970-82 at REACH Community Health Centre and co-founded the Vancouver Sexual Assault Assessment Service. She has been committed to equity and social justice. She is internationally known for her leadership in primary care research and participatory action research methodology.  Her scholarly interests have included family violence and sexual assault; clinical health promotion and patient-physician decision-making; ecosystem health issues in aboriginal and marginalized communities; and health care and health professional education as complex adaptive systems.

Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe - moderator
Professor Emeritus of Art History, Visual Art and Theory (2015)

Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe graduated from the Courtauld Institute and taught for the Open University, and at London and McGill Universities before joining UBC. He chaired the ISGP and then his home department, Art History Visual Art & Theory before serving as Associate Dean, Awards and Scholarships, in the Faculty of Graduate Studies; a member of Senate for several years he was twice elected co-Chair. He has published extensively on art, architectural and design history with a particular interest in related social and political culture especially of the later modern era; recipient of the Vancouver Book Prize, he was awarded a J.S Guggenheim Fellowship  and a Visiting Fellowship at Clare Hall in Cambridge University. He is currently completing a re-assessment of the architecture and ideology of Arthur Erickson and, also with Michelangelo Sabatino, a multi-perspective anthology on Modernist architecture in the Commonwealth of Nations.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Zoom link in text
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Film Group October 12

The Film Group will take advantage of the Vancouver International Film Festival taking place this year from October 1 to 11. 

We are watching online and discussing three films showing as part of the online (VIFF Connect) version of the 2021 Vancouver International Film Festival (Oct 1-11).

The three films chosen to watch online and then discuss in a zoom meeting are:

Havel (Czech Republic, 2020)
Directed by Slavek Horak: a liberally constructed bio-pic of the Czech writer turned activist and politician. 
Zoom discussion on Monday, Oct 4 at 3:30pm

All My Puny Sorrows (Canada, 2021)
Directed by Michael McGowan: an adaptation of Miriam Toews’ novel about two lapsed Mennonite sisters – one a struggling writer grappling with divorce, the other a celebrated concert pianist who is suicidal. 
Zoom discussion on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 1:30pm

Yuni (Indonesia, 2021)
Directed by Kamila Andini: a naïve yet manipulative Indonesian teenage girl’s dreams of an independent, fulfilling life are compromised by marriage proposals. 
Zoom discussion on Tuesday Oct. 12 at 4pm.

To watch the films, go to the Vancouver International Film Festival  home page ( viff.org ) and create an account, if you don’t already have an account with VIFF.  Once you have an account, click on the Festival tab and then click on the VIFF Connect tab, listing the festival films showing online.  Our suggestion is to purchase a package of 4 online films: the three films to be discussed and one other film of your own choosing.
To purchase the four films, click on the Festival tab, the Tickets and Passes tab, and the 4 Ticket Pack Tab (Regular $48 / Senior $44).  
To purchase the three chosen films individually, simply click on the purchase tab under the description of the film. 
Our suggestion is to purchase the films as soon as you decide to participate, as there is the slight possibility that the film may sell out.

Watch the film any time before the Zoom discussion takes place.

To join the group, please email john.leblanc @ ubc.ca

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - 4:00pm
Zoom Link by request
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Easy Riders - Oct 19, 2021

Easy Riders' final ride for the year:

Kay Teschke has planned and will lead our final ride of this year - a 20km circuit from the Greenway out to the River District along the 57th Avenue bikeway and back, mostly along the banks of the Fraser River (see below).

If you are interested in participating in this ride, please email me (at wynn@geog.ubc.ca) which will allow me to inform you if plans have to change.

Herewith the necessary stipulations: If you are joining this Easy Riders outing, please recognize that you do so voluntarily for recreational purposes.   It is your responsibility to ensure that your bike is in good running order and thoroughly roadworthy. You must wear an approved cycling helmet, ride in a safe manner and obey all road traffic signs and rules. We are the Easy Riders - we will try to maximize use of protected bike lanes, local street bikeways, and painted bike lanes on our routes but some use of Shared Use lanes may be necessary. Generally we will try to follow the city’s AAA (All Ages and Abilities) routes.  Inclines are unavoidable if riding any distance in Vancouver. Individuals should be careful not to over-exert themselves or ride beyond their comfort zones. We will have a designated route and accommodate those who need to dismount and walk or proceed slowly.

Our aim here is moderate, comfortable exercise, conviviality and enjoyment.

Kay and I have been reminded of the likelihood of rain in Vancouver in looking at the weather forecasts to schedule this ride.  We have opted for the 19th at 10:00 because this seems the best weather prospect at this point (sun and up to 14 degrees) . But forecasts 8 days out are  subject to all sorts of after effects from flapping butterfly wings over Hawaii or someplace.  Of course things can change. I WILL MAKE AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SITUATION AND DECIDE WHETHER TO PROCEED LATE AFTERNOON Monday 18th AND INFORM EVERYONE OF THAT DECISION BY EMAIL BY 8:00  PM ON 18th. IF YOU CANNOT / DO NOT RECEIVE A MESSAGE, FEEL FREE TO PHONE ME AT 236-988-0800 before 8:30 pm that day or on Tuesday morning 8:30-9:00 am FOR CLARIFICATION. 

Should we decide to postpone, Thursday 21 or Friday 22 (afternoon) may be the best prospects due to other commitments Wednesday. 

As always, partners are welcome to join in and feel free to recruit other emeriti. E-bikes are welcome.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021 - 10:00am
Arbutus Greenway at 57th. Meet in the Choices parking lot.
Vancouver, BC V6A 3Z7

Green College Series on Intergenerational Trauma

british "home children" in canada:  the untold story

Grant Charles  
Associate Professor, School of Social Work

Marvin Westwood - Convenor 
Professor Emeritus of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education (2015)

Topic: British 'Home Children' in Canada:  the Untold Story
Time: Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Green College link

Co-sponsors: Emeritus College and Green College

Tuesday, 19 October 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Zoom through Green College link
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
